Targeting Cigar Smokers

Mobile User Experience plus Organic Facebook Posts

Cigar smoking is a lifestyle, and in a geography where there are over four cigar specialist retailers within a .03 mile radius, it can get ultra competitive.

cigar store mapWith an update of the client’s website, our team made the site easier to read, mobile friendly, and conversion focused in order for the busy cigar buyer to get what he/she needed. Being able to steal some of the daytime clientele back from competitors nearby was a key focus, with fresh content, new social strategy, and updated branding in the cigar bar’s digital storytelling.

independent retailer cigar marketingFrom the updates and social strategy implemented, we have seen a 14% increase in page views, and over a minute more session duration per user— meaning the people who are coming to the site stay on.

The mobile-friendly site update has also caused less bounces, dropping the bounce rate from 67% down to 44%.

Cigar smoking is a lifestyle, and in a geography where there are over four cigar specialist retailers within a .03 mile radius, it can get ultra competitive.

cigar store map

With an update of the client’s website, our team made the site easier to read, mobile friendly, and conversion focused in order for the busy cigar buyer to get what he/she needed. Being able to steal some of the daytime clientele back from competitors nearby was a key focus, with fresh content, new social strategy, and updated branding in the cigar bar’s digital storytelling.

independent retailer cigar marketing

From the updates and social strategy implemented, we have seen a 14% increase in page views, and over a minute more session duration per user— meaning the people who are coming to the site stay on.

The mobile-friendly site update has also caused less bounces, dropping the bounce rate from 67% down to 44%.